Youth Development
Launceston PCYC is a partnership between Police and community to provide early intervention for young people in the following target groups:
1) Youth at Risk of entering or re-entering the Youth Justice System.
2) Youth at Risk due to being disadvantaged, disengaged or vulnerable youth or due to facing other barriers to a positive futures.
3) Youth at Risk of poor health outcomes for example, due to a sedentary lifestyle; or poor leisure choices (eg drugs/alcohol); or other barriers to recreational fitness.
The programs are designed to be “early intervention” and include elements of adventure therapy, sport and recreation, and aim to build self confidence and resilience.
Achieve Strength, Courage, Empowerment, and Nurture Together.
PCYC’s Club Officers are part of Tasmania Police’s Early Intervention Unit. As part of their work they were aware that many young offenders had early disengagement from school as an early indicator of issues that set them on a track towards offending.
In July 2017 PCYC Club Officer, Skye Thompson and Kylea Aldred, a skilled facilitator, began an empowerment and resilience program with young girls from a local high school. The program embeds self-awareness / self esteem building, and new understandings to build resilience and strengthen personal resolve into a variety of challenging recreational activities each week such as Weights Gym, Boxing, Rock Climbing, Taiko Drumming, and Trampoline.
ASCENT teaches young people how to support other people who may be struggling, and what to do if that is you! At the end of the 8 week ASCENT program, participants are given a 12 month PCYC membership, credit on their account to encourage ongoing engagement with the Club.
PCYC is very fortunate to have the support of the Merridew Foundation to fund this programme.
RESET is an eight week program aimed to create positive experiences for ‘at risk’ youth through the development of better coping strategies, improved self-esteem and resilience. The programme builds engagement and trust within participants by improving their problem solving and communication skills. The program is coordinated by PCYC Club Officer Constable Dave Simpson along with Youth Health and Outdoor Adventure workers.
Students are identified by the program coordinator and school as at risk of, or already, disengaging from school, family, peers or community for various reasons. The programme improves engagement within the school, goal setting techniques, improved social connections, reduction or cessation offending/anti-social behaviour, improved positive relationships.
The school-based post-program provides support, mentorship and educational reengagement; managed and delivered by the school representative.
MOBILE ACTIVITY CENTRE (MAC): Recreational Outreach Program
The MAC provides recreational outreach for some of our most disadvantaged communities by providing opportunities for young people to learn to recreate with little or no equipment in places like Rocherlea, Mayfield, Ravenswood, and GeorgeTown on a regular basis. The great attendance is testimony to how the community values the MAC Program which is run by ex-police officer, Mark Brown.
Your donation is tax deductible and every dollar you donate, will go directly towards delivering Youth at Risk programmes. Please help Launceston PCYC continue to do great work in your community. Please contact us on 6344 2411 if you wish to make a donation.